A System for Quality Assurance when Retrofitting Existing Buildings to Energy Efficient Buildings
The SQUARE project aimed to assure energy efficient retrofitting of social housing with good indoor environment, in a systematic and controlled way. To achieve this, a quality assurance (QA) system for retrofitting and maintenance was adopted in pilot projects in several European countries. The experiences from the pilot projects was used to improve the QA system and suggest a future European energy management standard adapted to the building sector. The pilot projects also act as good examples to inspire social housing owners to carry out energy efficient retrofitting projects.
A number of dissemination activities have been made in order to spread knowledge and experience to owners, contractors, consultants, national authorities, municipalities, tenants etc., on local, national and international level.
SQUARE was co-funded by the European Commission, supported by its Programme Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE), and started in November 2007 and ended in April 2010. There were partners from six European countries; Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden. SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden was the coordinator of the project.
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