Last updated 2010-05-06
The partners of the SQUARE project were:
Austria |
AEE Institute for Sustainable TechnologiesThe AEE institute is an association funded by its members and it works with R&D consulting, “know how” transfer and training in the field of energy technology, especially solar energy. Contact: Elisabeth.Koschar, e.koschar @ |
Bulgaria |
EAP Energy Agency of PlovdivEAP was established 2000 and is the first energy management agency in Bulgaria. The activity of the agency includes the promotion of energy efficiency and clean energies as well as the identification and development of new energy projects. Contact: Liyana Adjarova, liyana.adjarova @ |
Finland |
TKK Helsinki University of Technologywww.tkk.fiAt the Department of Laboratory of Heating Ventilating and Air-Conditioning they work with HVAC systems, energy saving measures and indoor climate as well as energy simulations and optimisations. Contact: Jarek Kurnitski, jarek.kurnitski @ |
Netherlands |
Trecodomewww.trecodome.comThe company Trecodome was started for coordination of the TRECO network, which is a project for European social housing associations. TRECO was established to share best practice of sustainable construction and environmental technologies. Today there are eight associations in the TRECO network. Contact: Jan Michiel Boonstra, chiel.boonstra @ |
Spain |
TTA Trama Tecno Ambiental S.Lwww.tramatecnoambiental.esTTA is an independent consultant company in renewable energies and sustainable development. They are experts in energy management and micro generation with renewable energies, as well as in building integration of renewable energies and energy efficiency measures. Contact: Jaume Serrasolses, jaume.serrasolses @ |
Poma Arquitectura S.L.Poma Arquitectura is a Barcelona based company that started off as an architecture office in 1992. In 1997 they also expanded their business and became developers. Contact: Jordi Espar Gasset, pomaa @ |
Sweden |
SP Technical Research Institute of Swedenwww.sp.seSP is today Sweden’s most wide-ranging research and technology institute, with advanced resources for research and development, technical evaluation and measurement technology. Contact: Kristina Mjörnell, kristina.mjornell @ (co-ordinator) |
AB Alingsåshemwww.alingsashem.seAlingsåshem is a municipal housing corporation and owns and manages approximately 3 400 homes. In addition, they build approximately 50 new homes every year. Contact: Ing-Marie Odegren, ing-marie.odegren @ |
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