Work Programme

Descriptions of Work Packages


Work package 1 (WP 1) – Management and Co-ordination

Project management and co-ordination included activities such as planning of meetings, follow-ups, financial reporting and editing reports.


Work package 2 (WP 2) – Survey of national conditions

The work started with a survey of current conditions. The survey included an estimation of the energy savings potential of retrofitting social housing in different countries together with an overview of promising existing measures and QA systems for energy efficiency and good indoor environments in Europe.


Work package 3 (WP 3) – Break non-technical barriers

There are many non-technical barriers, such as attitudes, traditions, lack of knowledge and motivation, that have to be overcome in order to introduce energy-efficient retrofitting and operation of social housing. The aim of this work package was to determine the most significant barriers in the different countries and to find common and specific methods of overcoming them.


Work package 4 (WP 4) – Adoption of a QA system

Based on the Swedish quality assurance (QA) system for energy use and indoor environment, together with input from other existing QA systems, the working groups in the participating countries adopted and developed QA systems that suited their specific national conditions, such as regulations and climate. Rules has also been prepared for a future European standardisation of QA systems for energy use.


Work package 5 (WP 5) – Energy improvement measurers

The energy improvement potential in different types of social buildings in different countries has been evaluated. An investigation of the influence of energy efficiency measures on the indoor air quality in different types of buildings has been made. The evaluation has taken into account the varying building traditions, climates and local resources and regulations.


Work package 6 (WP 6) – Application of the QA system in pilot projects

The QA system has been applied to real retrofitting projects in the different countries. Experience from design, construction and operation has been evaluated, and the results has been used for improvements of the QA system and of promising energy efficient measures.


Work package 7 (WP 7) – Workshops (co-ordinated with TRECO meetings)

The participants have met at workshops to discuss the implementation of the QA system and energy improvement measures, to exchange results and experience from the pilot projects and to present outlines of information material. Participation of the TRECO social housing association network has played an important role for the exchange of experience.


Work package 8 (WP 8) – Communication and dissemination activities

Information and communication material on the QA system have been produced to all parties involved in the retrofitting of the social housing stock, especially the property owners. A main concern has been to communicate the experiences from the pilot projects in order to demonstrate the potential of using the system. Of great importance has been to match the information to the receiver and to nationally adopt and translate the material.


Work package 9 (WP 9) – Common dissemination activities

The project has contributed and participated in common dissemination activities at the request of the European Commission.